Emotional relationship, Relationship

How do I know if I love someone for real or not?

It’s actually very simple. You can easily tell that someone loves you. Someone who loves you looks like this:

They are kind and respectful:

patient and compassionate. They do not lie to you. Sometimes, people foolishly think that lying to someone is for their own protection, but discovering that you’ve been lied to always lead to feelings of betrayal and causes damage to the relationship in the end.

Additionally, there is lying with the intention of misleading and deceit is the tool of the person who wants to make use of  you for their own personal gain.

They are selfless:

They put your needs before their selfish desires. If you are not comfortable doing something, they will not force or relentlessly coerce you into it.

They are not controlling or manipulative:

The foundation of love should be trust and freedom .Sometimes, we mistake someone being controlling for them caring about us.

However, to a controlling person, you are an object, a means to an end. It isn’t about you; it is about them being in control of you, and forcing you to comply with their wishes.


They don’t treat you poorly and then try to convince you that you deserved it, or that if you act better, they will treat you better.

You’ll never feel that you have to beg for love or prove yourself worthy of it and work for it.

Making time for you is important to them, and you are a priority to them.

Hurting you grieves them, and it’s hard for them to do:

This includes not being abusive, bullying you, making jokes at your expense. You know that he is really worried about your health.

They are faithful and committed to you.

You are treated as an equal, no matter how much more they earn or how significant their job title. Similarly, if you are the one making more money, they don’t try to break you down.

A true guide to the attributes of love can be found in 1 Corinthians 13: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, It is not arrogant or conceited. It does not denigrate others, it is not conceited, it does not lose its cool easily, and it does not keep track of wrongdoings. Love rejoices in the truth and does not take pleasure in wickedness.”

Also, people are not perfect and may slip up on a bad day, but who they are consistently will reveal whether they love you or not.

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